It's been a while since I posted anything on here. I wish I could say it was for a good reason, like a world tour or even some jail time but...I've just been busy with work, life making things and above all just plain lazy. So to the one or three of you who actually look at this (probably no-one now given the length of time it's been since my last post) I'm almost sorry. Without further fanfare here are a few things I've done lately.
I made a pair of collars for some dogs. They are made of latigo using only rivets for attaching articles, no stitches to fray or break when the dogs are out doing dog things. I was presented with a challenge when making these and that was that one of the pair of dogs is apparently Satan and if she can get a hold of her dog friends collar end she will tug and tug on it. Thus tightening and strangling her friend. So here owners wanted the collar end to be somehow tug proof.
After thinking on it for a little bit I made the end of the collar go back under the collar and lie against the dogs neck. To keep it there I used a Sam Browne button. Simple and safe. And it's in line with the rest of the over and under interplay of the collar, which I like.
Next (but actually before the collar) I made a tool for setting rivets. I use a rivet that you hammer on to set. I feel it's a more secure way to fasten rivets than the split rivets Tandy sells and it looks better as well. The only problem is making them look nice and somewhat uniform through out a piece can be frustrating. So I made this little gem out of some stainless steel bar. I drilled one end out for setting the ring on the rivet shaft and the other end is domed for setting the actual rivet. After that I milled off some of the sides so it wouldn't roll off my work station.
Next is more of what you've seen before just some refinement in the process.
Key chains in a few colors |
Card sleeve and front pocket card wallet with my mark on them |
And here is a ladies belt that I've made a few of. It can be worn at the waist or hips and is secured with a piece of ribbon, color of your choosing. This makes it work with just about any outfit.
That's it for now. Since the monsoon season has returned I promise I'll post more now.
Also, if you like any of the items you see, or if you want something you don't see, get a hold of me.